Friday, June 1, 2012

It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So anyway, If you haven't noticed we have a new layout for the blog. Please let me know what you think. We also have a new title, not that I didn't like "A Full Time Job", but I think "Dwelling Among the Tents" is more in line with what this blog is really about, or at least what I want it to be about.

So the new title comes from the book of Genesis in the Bible, Genesis 25:27 to be precise, where it talks about Jacob and his brother Esau. It refers to Jacob being a man of peace dwelling among the tents the word peace here means literally "complete" and that is how I feel about my life "among the tents" as it were. I'm at a point in my life where I am comfortable in my own skin, mostly because I find my identity in the God I serve.

So the blog is going to become more of a reflection of that, So to that end, starting next week I will be implementing a new schedule with a little more regular content (I already have a few entries cued up as it were). So without further ado here is what the schedule will consist of:

Mondays - Focusing on homeschooling, organizing and cooking, basically managing my life.

Wednesdays -Worship related stuff, makes sense as I will be gearing up for worship team practice aka Thursday Night Training or TNT

Fridays - This will be a kind of potpourri of geek related stuff and overall silliness.

I will of course continue to blog about random topics as the mood strikes but the minimum will be those three days a week.

Also I'm thinking about starting a vlog on YouTube that would be kind of like a weekly wrap-up.

Anyway I think I have rambled enough for now. Please leave any comments below (I do moderate them so they will not appear right away) also if you wish you can follow me on twitter @NearyKeith.

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