Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just a typical Thursday

Well, today is just another typical Thursday here in the Neary household. Got up early, well early for me (8 am), got a good start to school (after my shower I checked on my daughter to make sure she was up and dressed and to my surprise she was not only dressed but also working on her Bible work for the day), the wife even came home from Weight Watchers with an iced coffee for me (she is so awesome). So we pretty much got through all our subjects with a minimum of whining (I'm not just talking about my daughter either) and we actually got to gymnastics early (I'm still in shock with that one as I'm usually dropping my daughter off at the door with 1 minute to spare as I find a parking space). So here we sit waiting for her class to start, she reading Little Pilgrims Progress, and I blogging. I brought the laptop to work on some neglected history lesson plans, but forgot some of my curriculum at home. Oh well, I can't complain too much, had a relatively low pain day, but I've been pacing myself. We have church tonight so I'll need my energy to keep up with the Ranger Kids. The wife should be joining me shortly, she decided to bring her new Netbook with her so she could work on her care plans for clinical tomorrow (she is at the hospital getting her preliminary data on her new patient). It would be awesome to actually eat dinner together tonight. After church we have grocery shopping to do, nothing major, just a few odds and ends (we'll do the main shopping tomorrow). So, Yeah, it's been a pretty typical Thursday, like anything in my life can be called typical.

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